vendredi 19 septembre 2014

Musical Instruments

                                                           Musical instruments


The piano is an instrument polyphonic keyboard musical family of string instruments hit. 

The name of the instrument comes from an abbreviation of pianoforte, the name of his ancestor eighteenth century precisely described by its inventor as a "col piano e forte gravecembalo" harpsichord with the possibility to qualify the sound directly by the keystrokes, which until then was virtually impossible with other keyboard instruments and play both piano (softly) that strong (strong). (Today, in France, we reserve the name of pianoforte the old instruments, quite different from the modern piano.) The term "piano" in common English and Latin languages ​​besides Italian where he always called pianoforte varies from one European language to another. In the vocal range of Germanic languages ​​it was first called Hammerklavier (specification written by Beethoven in his head sonata op 106. Grosse Sonate für das Hammerklavier that is to say, "Great sonata" keyboard hammer "") which remained in use the abbreviation Klavier however differentiated from Flügel abbreviation of the former Hammerflügel (wing hammer) naming the piano, but there are others such as, for example, in Hungarian Zongora , or Russian  (fortepiano -other Italian pianoname) for the generic name, рояль ("royal") for piano,  (piano: small piano in Italian) for the right piano called too, more formal  (vertical piano, as in Spanish) way, etc.


The guitar is a plucked string instrument. The strings are arranged parallel to the soundboard and the handle, usually cut fret over which the strings are pressed on the one hand, to produce different notes. The other hand plucks the strings with either nails and fingertips or with a plectrum (or mediator). Its most common variant has six strings.

The trumpet is a musical instrument wind of the family brass clear. It is made in a tube 1.50 m long as the horn. To play pistons are used.